From Fashion to Guatemala: Getting Fired to Find My passion
At the crossroads of dissatisfaction and rejection, unexpected answers to long sought-after questions are revealed. It took getting fired three times in one year and ex-patting myself to Guatemala to find true purpose.
But let me start at the beginning…
Lets begin with a glance back in time when I decided to attend my first 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training in 2006. It wasn't because I wanted to be a yoga teacher. I registered for a month long immersive experience in Central America because I was sure I did NOT want to continue on this so-called experience called my life.
After five years of a love/hate relationship with the commercial/fashion photography industry, working as an agent and representing artists’ pursuits, dreams and calling; I was under-motivated, physically depleted, over-stimulated with the booze, the schmooze and all that oozes from what I didn't realize at the time was a very toxic work environment.
I found increasingly creative ways to sabotage, subterfuge my success and justify a survival mechanism in a business that was not my true calling. I burnt bridges; I disappointed people; I was on a stinking ship that I had been unconsciously sinking myself and I am an excellent swimmer. In fact, I get quite a bit of adrenalin from narrowly escaping my own challenging self created catastrophes. However the Universe set me free.I was fired not once but three times over the course of a little over a year. The final event was such a blow and so complicated that when the woman who revoked an offer/contract I had fought hard for, she gave me enough money to just go away.
I just went away. To Guatemala. At the age of 28, I went to figure out who I wanted to be when and if I grew up. This is where I discovered Thai Massage. And so this is where we will begin: on the edges of Lago de Atitlan, with three volcanoes bearing witness to a girl Finding Purpose in the Most Unexpected Place: Thai Massage in Guatemala.