the art of healing
This last spring, I recorded a guided meditation (yoga nidra) months ago (I wrote this blog in May). It literally took me over two months to publish it the meditation. And now half a year to publish the blog…
I sat on this beautifully mastered audio file (thank you Martin!) in order to avoid feeling exposed (mostly to my inner critic). I questioned my authority, my authenticity, and my voice. I am not shy but I am aware of being “out there” and while I can control what colors I wear, how I showcase my hair, and to a certain degree what energy I “put out there”…I cannot control your response (or lack thereof). My willingness to be “on stage” was being limited by my 14 year old self who lost interest in auditioning for roles that had not been written for her (or so she assumed) or being vulnerable to audience larger than her inner circle (aka her/my family).
Years in theater arts gave me the background in the powerful playground that are our emotions and I love characters and development of story. However embedded in my pursuit of theater arts is a deep sense of rejection and self-doubt that came with being a young thespian. It also gave me a huge sense of confidence and bravery at a young age. I am tapping into the version of myself that says Fuck it. I’m going for it.
So here it is: Yoga Nidra: A guided Meditation of the Senses.
In an attempt to heal (self inflicted) and circumstantial trauma and wounds, I created Integral Healing Arts as a platform for self discovery through mindful movement, conscious breath, and connected touch. This is my new stage, a script written by moi, and a way to dance, sing, mentor, create dialogue, and heighten the senses. I’m not acting. I’m not pretending. I am not bending into a role that doesn’t fit. I am a teacher, a guide, a student of the body/mind/spirit and I want to share! Please check out my Yoga Nidra recording and let me know if you discover a little part of you that is willing to heal.