Notice when you're might resemble strain or force. Follow the direction of might feel more like peace.
Notice when you're attached or fixed on an might seem like grasping or clinging. Follow the direction of your heart-center, it might feel more like surrender.
When you come up against resistance, notice the breath. Let it be an invitation, without insistence, to soften. When you come up against fear, notice the breath. Let it be an offering, without expectation, to open. When you come up against doubt, notice the breath. Let it be an offering, without accusation, to trust.
When you feel acceptance, notice the breath. Let it be a reflection, without ego, to give. When you feel love, notice the breath. Let it be a response, without attachment, to love. When you feel connected, notice your breath. Let it be an acknowledgment, without shame, to honor.
Now, notice your heart. Where is it? Location, direction, and motivation? If its receded back in the body, notice. If its posturing forward, notice. If its floating and creating a fulcrum for the whole body to dance around, notice.
Notice breath, heart. Heart. Breath. Notice. Breathe.