just thinking

about the different between marketing a value and implementing values.I was watching the Republican Presidential debates tonight and I wonder how many of their statements are pure marketing and projected public image and how much of it is sincere desire to implement the changes and the policies they speak about?  I am writing a paper on marketing vs policy in my management class- so it's on the brain.The difference between a company putting a policy of environmental awareness in their employee handbook or an organization planting tress as part of a city-wide greening effort?Do I want to study policy or marketing?  Am I scratching the surface if I am merely advertising ideas?  Am I capable of invisioning and implementing change?  Do I want to always manage someone else's efforts?  Or do I have my own?  If I do not have my own, then marketing is the place for me-- but what if I want to make a really impact?  Can I write policy?  Can I change laws? Affect the way the world works? I was just thinking what if I really could make a difference...