Pain In My Butt
I have a chronic, reoccurring pain in my ass. From my QL to my Gluteus medius and some piriformis syndrome plus a tight psoas and hip flexors, I’ve a got a situation. I roll on balls (not enough); I get bodywork (sometimes) and I exercise sporadically. I am a professional in movement, massage, and meditation… all of which I’m lacking in my daily practice. Yesterday, I interviewed a massage therapist and all I wanted was for her to dig her elbow (or heel if she could do Thai) into my butt. She did great.
I have a desk job for the first time in a loooong time; I have a mini couch which lends itself to me sitting in bed, vaguely propped up (as I am now) typing on my laptop. I drive quite a bit every week. My rounded spine and posterior pelvic tilt is definitely contributing to this “situation”… so what now?
I’ve grown out of the phase where awareness is enough. I need action. I need a plan. I need a system! Today on the first day of the new lunar year, I am making a pact with myself.
1) move your body!
2) sit in meditation everyday.
3) weekly massage :)
4) be gentle with yourself.
I’m going to stand up; ground my feet; individuate the legs; stabilize the hips; open my sit bones; engage ribcage breathing; elevate my spine; widen my collar bones; soften my jaw; smooth out my brow; and connect to the crown of my head. I have so many teachers, teachings to lean on and remind me of the intentionality of living in that special way that delivers you to the doorsteps of curiosity and contemplation. Embodied and inspired by the messages of the body, I am listening.